Support Harmony International Outreach

Support Harmony International Outreach image


raised towards $150,000 goal




Join Us in Making a Global Impact! Support Harmony's 2024 International Outreach to South Africa & Zimbabwe. We need your support to make this journey of compassion and transformation possible. Our mission is to bring hope, change lives, and create lasting connections with communities in need. Your donation, no matter the size, will have a profound impact. It will help us provide essential resources, create sustainable initiatives, and empower individuals to break the cycle of poverty and inequality. Together, we can make the world a better place.


1. Donate: Every dollar counts and brings us one step closer to our goals.

2. Spread the Word: Share our mission with friends, family, and colleagues.

3. Supply Drive: Consider donating toiletry supplies to the trip. (toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc)

4. Corporate Partnerships: Explore opportunities for collaboration with your organization.

5. Prayer: Join us in praying for our mission team and country partners.


We need your generous support for our upcoming mission trip to South Africa and Zimbabwe. Both countries, especially Zimbabwe, face severe food shortages due to one of the worst droughts in their history. This crisis has drastically escalated food disparities, leaving many families struggling to find their next meal.

In response, we are collaborating with local food distributors in these countries to ensure that those most in need receive timely and adequate food supplies. Additionally, we recognize the essential need for basic hygiene, so we are raising funds to purchase and distribute toiletry supplies within these communities.

Your donation can make a significant difference. It will help us provide vital food and toiletries to improve the living conditions and health of those affected by these crises. We are committed to serving and supporting these communities, but we need your help to make it possible.

Please consider contributing to assist us in this urgent and important task. Your support will meet immediate needs and bring hope and relief to our brothers and sisters in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Together, we can help alleviate their burdens and make a lasting impact.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a meaningful difference. We truly appreciate any support you can provide.