First Annual MLK Life and Legacy Community Event

First Annual MLK Life and Legacy Community Event image


raised towards $50,000 goal




Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Dear Friends of Harmony,

On January 16th, 2023, Harmony CDC will host its First Annual MLK Life and Legacy Community Event on our campus in the Redbird corridor of Dallas, Texas from 11am-3pm. We are collaborating with a host of health and social service providers to conduct health screenings, provide gas utility assistance, distribute food boxes, register participants for assistance programming, provide lunch and haircuts, and create a time of fun and enjoyment for the community. We will also have a beautification project to clean up our streets. We hope to serve 300 people at the event, and we need your help.

We would like you to partner with Harmony CDC by becoming one of our event sponsors. There are several sponsorship levels with appreciation packages to say thank you for your support, but we believe the hope that you will bring to families in honor of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. will be far more rewarding than anything we could offer.

With great appreciation for our partnership,
Mark Porter, Executive Director